Control an iPad with your eyes using TD Pilot, an eye tracking-enabled iPadOS device made for people with communication disabilities. This speech generating device provides native integration of eye tracking in iPadOS and has been certified to meet Apple performance standards. It’s for people with conditions such as select ALS cases, spinal cord injury and cerebral palsy. Communicate, navigate the iPadOS environment and use your favorite iPad apps – all with the world’s leading eye tracker. Make your voice heard loud and clear with built-in speakers. TD Pilot is pre-loaded with your choice of AAC apps; for literate adults or for symbol-supported communicators. It also comes with TD CoPilot, a companion app that helps you calibrate the eye tracker, get software updates and check battery status. TD Pilot offers innovations such as the Partner Window for more natural face-to-face conversation, and outdoor eye tracking to use the device even in bright light.
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